by Francis Steffan
Back in the 1990's I worked as a manager at a new car dealership. They instituted a program that today would just be called “team building” or “woke” grooming.
Today corporations use this concept of “team building” to propagandize their employees to accept behavior and views that they would otherwise view as offensive. They also use this process to “weed out” those who will not accept their deviant positions.
This “team building” concept was rolled out to the employees, and the public, as a customer first sort of training program.
First, it “trained” employees, many of whom rarely interacted with customers, on how to converse with customers without offending them.
Regardless of the excuses, explanations and bald face lies coming from corporate America this “program” was at its inception and to this day nothing more than psychological manipulation.
To what end?
“Team building” was a sociological experiment/study conducted by Elton Mayo, not of the “mayo clinic,” who some claim was a “psychologist” and some refer to him as “doctor” (Dr).
Elton Mayo earned only a bachelor's degree from University of Adelaide, Australia in philosophy and psychology and never earned any higher educational degrees above that. Mayo let people he interacted with call him "Dr. Mayo," letting himself be cast as a PhD. D. in one of the social sciences, without ever correcting the false assumption himself. Mayo's biographer Richard Trahair wrote, "Mayo was not a psychologist, sociologist, or anthropologist, although sometimes he was cast as such"
Daniel Bell, who was a real sociologist, and writer, editor, liberal communist and professor at Harvard University, who earned a PhD. D. in sociology from Columbia University said Mayo was, adjusting men to machines, rather than enlarging human capacity or human freedom. Many others, including Reinhard Bendix and Lloyd H. Fisher, criticized Mayo for generalizing his results of the Hawthorne studies. The two state that Mayo's research concerned small, isolated groups, and it was not clear that the conditions and supervision he achieved could have been replicated in large groups and factory settings.
Mayo conducted the “study” using a dishonest facsimile of the “scientific method,” however, his version used a very small group and the results were not replicated.
This is all to say that Elton Mayo's conclusions and “team building” “process” has been suspect by people in the field and many other academics since he first began to pass off his psychological manipulation and pseudo science as legitimate.
The “elite,” owners of the corporations, however, have no care if a process is legitimate or just the same manipulation technique used throughout time, all the way back to the garden of Eden... as long as it works to promote their deviant agendas.
Mayo took “baffle them with bullshit” to a new level. Mayo's whole manipulation scheme is based on the premise that people, man, cares more that the boss loves him and that employees are more concerned that they and their fellow employees are in a socially comfortable setting rather than how many hours they have to work or what they get paid. In other words, man really wants to be a slave, a happy slave loved by his master.
Would you keep going to your job, on a regular, ongoing basis, if the boss stopped paying you, even if he was REALLY a nice guy? (there are exceptions like OTR truck drivers)
Very few, but the most emotionally handicapped, would ever consider this, yet we had, and have now nearly every corporation in the US practicing this psychological manipulation upon its employees, based on the premise everyone wants to be a happy slave to them, but that's not the worst of it.
Most employees used to realize their employer was in business to make money and the only reason they were hired was to better facilitate profit, and most employees only take a job because they want paid. Everyone would like their boss to treat them with respect, but the illusion of respect in lieu of a livable wage is clearly a bad deal for the employee.
Sociology is psychology applied to groups. Psychology, in general application, is nearly worthless in it's predictive capacity as each man and woman have very different psychologies, however, when applied to a group it becomes eerily accurate and the bigger the group the more accurate it becomes.
When sociology is used as a manipulation tool rather than merely a predictive tool it becomes a weapon of mass destruction. Sociology used in this manner is how and why we now have young, publicly schooled people demanding policies and practices that are radically against their own best interests. A “social engineer” is a sociologist using his craft to manipulate society to his masters will.
What is the purpose in creating a “team?”
To offset or oppose another team.
Corporations at first embraced the “papa corporation loves you” position for the sole purpose of offsetting the labor union push against them. So, one “team” was the corporation / management and the other “team” was the union / workers.
According to Pew Research 89.7% of jobs in the US are now non union jobs, so why are they still “team building?”
One benefit of “team building” for any single large employer is to manipulate and trick their employees into accepting “titles” rather than a raises and other psychological three card monte enticements. Like “providing” “health care insurance” rather than a raise. Some may think, “so what” that's money I don't have to spend; true enough, to a point.
Corporations “providing health care insurance” present the value of that insurance as it pertains to you, what you, a single employee would pay, not what it actually costs them.
So Bob, I see you'd like a raise, tell ya what I'm gonna do for you instead, I'm gonna “provide” you with health insurance that would cost you $300. a month, you were only asking for a $100. a month raise, see how much papa corp loves ya Bob.
What papa love isn't telling Bob is that they negotiated a deal with the health insurance company for their 1000 employees that comes to about $25. a month per employee and that insurance company owns all the HMO's in Bob's area. That matters because there are no set prices for anything in health care, it is whatever can be negotiated.
Here comes the rub, so the employer “negotiates” coverage down to $25. per employee, who was asking for a $100. raise, then the insurance company “negotiates” with the HMO to set the prices for services being provided under that insurance company.
Just for fun, how do you think those “negotiations” would go when the insurance company owns 49% of the HMO straight out and the hedge fund the insurance company uses to laundry money owns the other 51%?
This is like Bob negotiating with himself over a raise, do ya think he'll get it? What if Bob was a psychopath with no soul, no conscience, no morals and no liability, he may even give himself a bigger raise than he asked himself for.
Corporations have no soul, no conscience, no morals, no liability and a legal obligation, to the parasite stock holders (who are now mostly other corporations), to maximize profits by any “legal” means.
“Whew” you say, at least the law restrains them. Remember that whole NO LIABILITY thing?
How concerned about “the law” would you be if you had no liability for any harm you did to anyone in your quest for profit?
Maybe you are a decent man or woman, however, now answer that under the conditions that you have no soul, no conscience, no morals.
George Carlin had said “it's all a big club and you ain't in it.” Just replace “club” with “team.”
“Team building” has evolved.
I have described the “team” corporations wanted to build to oppose the labor union team, however, now that union membership accounts for only slightly over 10% of the workers in the US the team they are building more resembles a “team” of mules.
I have nothing against mules, I like mules, however, I do not believe that people should be treated as mules. Do you?
Today “team building” is nothing more than a psychological con game to keep public schooled (school to work) employees from sharing in the staggering profits of the corporation that their labor helps realize.
I don't work for a corporation why should I care; you may say.
I bet most of you are customers of one or more corporations on a regular basis and every time you walk in their doors you are confronted with an organized group of poorly educated, psychologically manipulated, mental and emotional children who have been trained to view you, the customer, as their adversary who is disrupting the harmony of their club house. That's why you should care.
What do governments do when they want to distract their people away from whatever they don't want you to see?
They manufacture a common enemy and manipulate the people into believing the enemy is real, grass roots and so dangerous that the only way to be safe is to relinquish all your freedoms and let papa love gov protect you.
This is exactly what “team building” is doing on a corporate business level.
First, the corporation of love will develop all kinds of ridiculous programs where they expect their employees to show up at “meetings” as though they were high school cheerleaders, give them gift cards, phone cards anything but a livable wage.
Then comes “team talk” where “the team” shares their problems they have had with customers, similar to the technique used at Alcoholics Anonymous sharing their bad experiences with alcohol.
All employees have had at least one bad customer experience, this is “team bonding,” it facilitates the us against them mentality... and further distracts them from the fact the four hundred billion dollar corporation they work for isn't paying them enough to afford a place to live.
At this point I need to take a sidebar, I do not support non government sector labor unions as they are. I do not support public sector unions in any form whatsoever.
I do not argue that they were not necessary when they were first formed, but that time passed when the soviet communists infiltrated and took over the union leadership in the 1930's, and have never let go.
Has it ever crossed your mind that your union, the one you pay, may be spending money on communist programs designed to destroy America? Or are you one that says “I don't give a damn I make sixty grand a year, have an 85 IQ and a boat?”
Why would a corporation want to turn their employees against their own customers, other than for the distraction from the fact the four hundred billion dollar corporation they work for isn't paying them enough to afford a place to live? Yes, I said it again.
The same reason the UN doesn't sent their “peace keeper” murderers to the same country they are from; dissociation. You are on the other team, the adversary, the enemy.
Employees who have been manipulated into disliking or even hating customers will have less problem denying service to them.
For example, what happens when the corporation of love decides no one may enter their store without a vaccine passport or a REAL ID or the mark of the beast?
Corporate policy is meaningless if it's employees will not enforce those policies, however, when those employees have been manipulated through the process of “team building” to believe that anyone without a REAL ID is a terrorist, and everyone without a “vaccine passport” is a biological weapon, and the mark of the beast is just a security measure to keep them safe you have the Hitler youth doing the will of their Fuhrer, and you, the customer, has a yellow star sewn onto your shirt.
Manipulation is not in itself a problem, seeing as we all attempt to manipulate everyone and everything to our desires and needs all the time, the problem is that “informed consent” has been quietly replaced by covert manipulation.
When one realizes someone is trying to manipulate them they have a choice, to let them or not let them.
Any happily married spouse understands that sometimes it is in your own best interest to allow yourself to be manipulated. By the way, rather than reading, writing and arithmetic, manipulation is the skill your child is now trained in from the government schools.
Corporate “team building” has been and is a disaster for the American people, it has alienated employees from customers, it has turned employees into mindless manipulated mules that work tirelessly against their own best interests for a paycheck that isn't enough to even have a decent place to live, unless you consider your car a decent place to live.
“Team building” is nothing more than a device to facilitate the corporate scheme of using employees as resources to be used up then discarded all to feed a parasitical class euphemistically known as “the elite.”